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Like most areas of law, Intellectual Property can appear daunting and complex. There are a great many practice areas, subjects and procedures. The SH&P “A-Z” Intellectual Property glossary is a free and easy to use glossary of legal terms commonly used and associated with IP. We hope that it will help you better understand this topic. All of the entries include contact details for SH&P expert advisers. Alternatively, you can request a free, no obligation, IP Consultation and Review here if you require more information or have a particular issue you would like us to help you with.

By definition, a “jurisdiction” is the authority or power that a court or official has to apply laws and make legal judgments. In England, for example, the High Court has jurisdiction to decide patent infringement cases.

This term may also be used to refer to the country or other geographical area over which the authority of a legal system extends; for example: “the company has trade mark registrations in the UK, Australia and several other jurisdictions”.

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