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Like most areas of law, Intellectual Property can appear daunting and complex. There are a great many practice areas, subjects and procedures. The SH&P “A-Z” Intellectual Property glossary is a free and easy to use glossary of legal terms commonly used and associated with IP. We hope that it will help you better understand this topic. All of the entries include contact details for SH&P expert advisers. Alternatively, you can request a free, no obligation, IP Consultation and Review here if you require more information or have a particular issue you would like us to help you with.

The Madrid Protocol is an international treaty concluded in 1989 which forms part of the international trade mark registration system. Its full title is referred to as “The Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks”.

The treaty allows a proprietor to register a trade mark simultaneously in one or more of the territories (contracting parties) that have signed up to the Madrid Protocol. The mechanism to file an application to register a mark under the Madrid Protocol is by submitting a single application to the Office of the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO).

Approximately 100 territories (contracting parties) have signed up to the Madrid Protocol. A full list can be seen here at the WIPO website.


  • David Powell

    Brands & Trade Marks, Domain Names, Websites & E-commerce, In-House Management of TM Portfolios, Legal Updates, Understanding IP

    David is a Trade Mark Attorney and a partner of SH&P, which he joined…
  • Jonathan Sutton

    Brands & Trade Marks, In-House Management of TM Portfolios, Legal Updates, Understanding IP

    Jon has been with SH&P since 1996. Prior to joining SH&P Jon worked as…

  • Peter Cornford

    Brands & Trade Marks, In-House Management of TM Portfolios, Legal Updates, Product Design & Copyright, Understanding IP

    Peter has worked as a trade mark lawyer for over 30 years, qualifying as…
  • Robin Webster

    Brands & Trade Marks, Domain Names, Websites & E-commerce, In-House Management of TM Portfolios, Legal Updates, Understanding IP

    After graduating with a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Cardiff University in 1992, Robin…
This is a term usually used in relation to copyright protection. Musical works are one of the types of original works protected by copyright. This term only refers to the music itself, exclusive of any words or action that are sung, spoken or performed with the music (those would fall under the category of literary work or dramatic work).

In order to be protected by copyright, this type of work needs to be recorded or fixated on some medium and requires originality. For a work to be original, it needs to be its author’s own creation rather than the copy of someone else’s work or dictated by technical functions.

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